My Child Was Diagnosed with Autism, What Do I do Now?


When your child is diagnosed with autism, your life is forever changed. Receiving a diagnosis of autism can be very intimidating for parents and caregivers, as they are sometimes unsure of who to turn to for help. You may have feelings of despair, panic, uncertainty, denial, and fear which can be extremely overwhelming. Oftentimes, caregivers are thrust into a new reality where they must advocate for their children, but are unsure of where to start their search for services.

 During this time, new terms such as: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), IEP’s, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, etc. are reccomended following the diagnosis, which may lead to further confusion. If you are a caregiver of a child who is newly diagnosed with autism, it is important to know that there are many dedicated professionals who are available to support this journey alongside you and help guide you to make the best decisions for yourself and your family. 

 Seeking out help and support is a crucial first step in navigating the complex world of caring for those with autism. Many support groups with parents and caregivers exist and offer an opportunity to share successes and provide guidance during challenging times. One great resource at Communication Lab is our Caregiver Coaching program where we provide a one-on-one consultation to help guide caregivers in the next steps after receiving an autism diagnosis. This program also brings caregivers together to discuss communicating effectively with a child diagnosed with autism, how to help build stronger relationships, managing meltdowns, proactively decreasing repetitive behaviors, and many other topics that a newly diagnosed child may experience. Learn more about our Caregiver Coaching program here.

 It is also important to not let an autism diagnosis intimidate you! You and your family will definitely need time to process this information, but also know that you and your family will be okay. And while you may be fearful of this news, remember that you are your child’s advocate now more than ever, so it is imperative that you do your research. Ask questions, read up on everything you can possibly learn about autism and educate yourself. Don’t lose hope, and do not let the diagnosis steal your joy. While this new reality may be very scary at first, always remember that that sweet kiddo you fell in love with is still there, and reassure yourself that you’ve got this!

 Here are more great resources available for families in San Diego: 

  • Autism Speaks 100 Day Kit for Young Children: Knowledge is power, particularly in the days after receiving an autism diagnosis. The Autism Speaks 100 Day kit helps families of children ages four and under make the best possible use of the 100 days following the diagnosis. 

  • Autism Society of San Diego: Seek out support during one of their frequent meetings on a variety of topics related to autism. 

  • San Diego Regional Center: Children with autism and their families are afforded many rights and are able to access help provided by the state of California. The Regional Center holds meetings to help understand your legal rights.

  • The Autism Community in Action (TACA): TACA is a national organization with a chapter in San Diego. They have many resources for families as they provide education, information, and support to parents to help their children diagnosed with autism be the best they can be. 

 Partnering with great providers who can help your child with autism thrive, and advocate alongside you, is another important step when supporting a child with autism. This will involve becoming familiar with healthcare laws and insurance coverage. Some services are mandated by state laws for insurance companies to cover, such as ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) which is included in this mandate. However, depending on your insurance provider and coverage, there could be certain limits on care and include/exclude other services such as Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, etc. It is important to also keep in mind that certain Doctors, Therapists, and providers may not be in network with your specific insurance carrier.

 At Communication Lab, we are committed to assisting families and helping them understand the nuances of working with different insurance companies. Communication Lab partners with a broad range of different insurance providers which enables us to provide ABA therapy to many different families who work with a vast range of insurance companies. Together, we partner with you and your insurance provider to ensure that the maximum level of care recommended is obtained in order to help those we serve meet their full potential.  

 Prior to starting any ABA services or therapy, it is important to have all of the necessary documentation easily accessible when submitting a request to an insurance provider. Having these documents prepared ahead of time will help facilitate ABA services starting quickly. 

 Documentation needed to begin ABA services may include:

  • A copy of the front and back of your insurance card. 

  • Diagnostic Evaluation that indicated a diagnosis of autism was given. The original diagnosis and any subsequent evaluations should be provided. 

  • A referral from a medical doctor or Licensed psychiatrist stating that ABA is a medically necessary therapy for your child. 

Don’t let the autism diagnosis squash your hopes and dreams for your child and remember the importance of seeking help, asking questions and connecting with professionals and other caregivers during this time. Keep in mind that you are your child’s parent/caregiver first, and their therapist/teacher second. While things may look a little different now, you can still actively help your child become the best they can be. Many individuals with autism flourish beautifully and live incredibly fulfilling, and independent lives.

At Communication Lab we are committed to helping families navigate the first steps after a young child receives an autism diagnosis, and continue ABA services well into adulthood. If you are a parent or caregiver for a child who has recently been diagnosed with autism, and do not know where to start, please connect with us here to see how we can help guide you in those imperative next steps, we’re here to help!