Posts tagged Communication Lab
What is ABA?

At Communication Lab, we provide ABA services focused on helping parents and caregivers build a stronger connection with their child. We strive to be creative in our approach to helping individuals with autism gain the ability to self-regulate and communicate effectively. It is a top priority for our patients to freely express themselves and ultimately be independent.

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My Child Was Diagnosed with Autism, What Do I do Now?

Receiving a diagnosis of autism can be very intimidating for parents and caregivers, as they are sometimes unsure of who to turn to for help. You may have feelings of despair, panic, uncertainty, denial, and fear which can be extremely overwhelming. Oftentimes, caregivers are thrust into a new reality where they must advocate for their children, but are unsure of where to start their search for services.

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Remaining Calm During A Tantrum

Individuals with autism often experience sensory processing difficulties which can make it tougher to pinpoint a specific reason for “why” a tantrum is occurring. Sensory differences can also make it extremely difficult to predict when a tantrum could potentially happen. At Communication Lab, we help provide caregivers with the tools necessary to develop a plan to effectively manage a tantrum.

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